(Reel 1) Training the New Army - "cheery non-slackers" undergo PT, drill and bayonet practice, mounting and sabre drill for cavalry. (Reel 2) Manufacture of a 15-inch naval gun and firing trials. (Ree...
The 'big battle' structure of the film opens with the preparatory bombardment for the days before the attack, the Infantry marching to their final positions, the attack itself, the casualties, prisone...
The Brock's Fireworks Ltd celebrates its fortieth anniversary by organizing a truly explosive show. The technique of the colors painted directly on the film print turns out perfect to display a specta...
Experimentele kortfilm van Dekeukeleire over de IJzerbedevaart. Het Franstalige taalbeleid van het Belgische leger gedurende de Eerste Wereldoorlog leidde tot grote communicatieproblemen tussen offi...
Documentaire over urbanisatie en over de financiële kant van een stedenbouwkundig plan. In de inleiding wordt verteld dat Stedenbouw de steden wil verfraaien en krotwoningen wil opruimen. "Maar wie ...
Praiseful presentation of the results of Communist municipalities, in the Parisian suburbs and in the provinces, just before the municipal elections in October 1947. The film highlights the effectiven...